We are pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 4th International and Latin American Clostridioides difficile Symposium – IV ILACDS (November 6-8, 2023), which will be held virtually by Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Deadlines for Submission
All abstracts must be submitted by October 14th—only abstracts submitted by authors until October 14th will be scheduled for presentation and publication.
Abstracts from all speakers are strongly encouraged to provide a comprehensive representation of the meeting lectures. The collection of abstracts (online) will be available for viewing on the meeting website (ilacds2023@micro.ufrj.br).
Please read the guidelines for submitting abstracts.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent by October 20th after the Program Committee has reviewed all submissions.

Presentation Formats
Flash talks: Authors who submit flash talks can present their research in a 5-minute pre-recorded video. Please pre-record your PowerPoint presentation to ensure smooth transitions during this virtual meeting (slides with voiceover). Attendees can ask questions about the research after the pre-recorded presentation via a chat feature. We must receive your abstract by October 14th. Notifications, if your abstract was chosen for a flash talk presentation, will be sent by October 20th, after the Program Committee has reviewed all submissions. If accepted, we must receive your pre-recorded PowerPoint file by October 27th .
E-Posters: Authors who submit Virtual Posters can present their research and engage in substantive discussions with interested colleagues. The e-Posters will be available for on-demand viewing on the ILACDS 2023 virtual Congress Platform during the virtual convention. Attendees can ask questions about the research presented in the e-Posters via a chat feature in the virtual Congress Platform. The e-Poster submission is only plain text (as an abstract, due by October 14th). Still, you should include illustrative materials such as tables, graphs, photographs, large-print text, and materials in your final poster presentation, which must be sent to us by October 14th. Please review the instructions for creating, designing, and submitting your e-Poster.
Following the virtual Symposium, all presenters will receive a certificate of participation.

Best e-Poster and Flash talk Presentation Award
The 4th International and Latin American Clostridioides difficile Symposium awards the best flash talk presentations and e-Poster to stimulate the community’s quality and scientific advancement. This year the European Study group for Clostridioides difficile – ESGCD (escmid.org) will award the best e-poster and flash talk. The first place will be awarded € 200,00 (Two hundred Euros), and the second place with € 100,00 (one hundred Euros).
If the presenter or lead author is registered for the 4th International and Latin American Clostridioides difficile Symposium, all e-Posters and Flash talks will be eligible for nomination.
The Scientific Committee will make selections based on the quality of research, the quality of the e-Poster, and the clarity of the presentation. The award recipients will be announced at the Conference (November 8th) and prominently displayed on the Conference website.

Best e-Poster and Flash talk Presentation Award
- Abstracts must be submitted (ilacds2023@micro.ufrj.br) by October 14th. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
- Abstracts must be written only in English.
- The abstracts should have at least 150 words and no more than 300 words; it should fit into a single paragraph.
- Abstracts must include information about the author and co-author (full first and family names; email address and affiliation details).
- Abstracts should include the following information: background and objectives, methods, results, and conclusions;
- Please acknowledge the funding sources for your research beneath your abstract, especially funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH) or Brazilian CNPq, CAPES grants.
Thank you very much for submitting your abstract. We look forward to including your work in the 4th International and Latin American Clostridioides difficile Symposium – IV ILACDS Meeting.
Assistance: If you have any issues submitting or require additional information, please contact us at ilacds2023@micro.ufrj.br, and we will respond as soon as possible.
Please read the submission rules before submitting a video or e-Poster.
- For Flash talks, the pre-recorded video (mp4, wmv, avi) must be uploaded to the meeting website (ilacds2023.microbiologia.ufrj.br) by October 27th. The linked video must be available for download.
- For the e-Poster, the final presentation’s file (PDF) must be uploaded to the meeting website(ilacds2023.microbiologia.ufrj.br) by October 14th. The file must be available for download
Assistance: If you have any issues uploading or require additional information, don’t hesitate to contact us at ilacds2023@micro.ufrj.br, and we will respond as soon as possible.
- Regardless of the presenting author, the same person may submit unlimited abstracts.
- Authors who are presenting must be registered participants. Only abstracts submitted by authors who have registered by October 14th will be scheduled for presentation and publication.
- When you submit an abstract, you agree to have it published in the official conference publications.
- Before submitting the abstract, the presenting author must ensure that all co-authors know its content and agree to its submission.
- Abstracts must be written in English.

Please submit your e-Poster as 1-page in portrait orientation.
● Language: All e-Posters should be written in English.
● File format: .ppt or .pptx
● e-Poster size in pixel: 1080 width x 1536 height – portrait orientation
● e-Poster size in cm: 38,1 width x 54,2 height – portrait orientation
● Font size: ≥16
Hyperlinks, animated images and animations are not permitted and will be rendered inoperable for e-Posters.
Essential Information to Include on e-Poster
●The e-Poster should be brief and match the submitted abstract
●All authors’ names, affiliations, and corresponding institute affiliations and addresses must be listed.
●The affiliated institution/university logo should be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the e-Poster. In contrast, the first author’s color photograph should be placed in the upper right-hand corner.
●Make sure that any photographs or figures used in the e-Poster are large enough to be visible and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The number of photographs should be restricted to those necessary and relevant to the e-Poster (preferably not exceeding 4-6 photos).
●Graphs and tables should be well organized, and the font used should be legible.
●Make sure that any photographs or figures used in the e-Poster are large enough to be visible and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The number of photographs should be restricted to those necessary and relevant to the e-Poster (preferably not exceeding 4-6 photos).
●Graphs and tables should be well organized, and the font used should be legible.